Thumper the Woylie

Thumper the Woylie, Native Animal Rescue Poster featuring Thumper the Woylie, Native Animal Rescue available from our store.

Thumper the Woylie, Native Animal Rescue Poster featuring Thumper the Woylie, Native Animal Rescue available from our store.

Thumper is a Woylie also known as a brush-tail bettong. Woylies are critically endangered so it is great that we have Thumper helping us to bring this issue into the public eye so that we can preserve Thumpers fellow Woylies. Woylies are an important part of their ecosystem as they help to disperse plant seeds and fungal spores. They are also prolific diggers helping to increase the amount of water penetrating the soil as well as digging the organic matter into the soil enriching it.

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